Fierce &Proud

"There are other oral history projects that are going on, to document lives, because Myanmar, as with so many South East Asian countries, is one that has social space that doesn't necessarily fit within a Western LGBT set of identities."
The fierce and the fabulous return to Myanmar's capital this weekend with the 4th edition of &Proud Yangon LGBT Film Festival. A ramped up program of events will include parties, an art exhibition and, for the first time ever, drag queen Olympics...expect broken heels on the race track.
Organisers promise a 'gay pride atmosphere,' but film and filmmaking still remain at the core of the celebrations. Audiences will laugh, cry and gag on 23 Asia focused films, including two from &Proud's year round cultural activism program, Rainbow Reels. Rainbow Reels is a workshop which teaches queer people from around Myanmar how to make films tell stories from their community.
Watch our interview with one of the festival's main organisers, Billy Stewart.

&Proud 2018 runs from January 27th to February 4th. More information is available online at
Interview & Editing: Matthew Baren
Translation: Annabel Lee & Will Dai
CINEMQ is a queer short film screening + party series. It is run by a group of queers with too much on their mind to sit still for long. We’re publishing articles on queer cinema and screen culture every week. Want to contribute? Message our account.