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Negotiating Power In Queer Sex & Love
The power dynamics in queer relationships are historically lacking in representation. Without readily available sources of reference and ope

Mother Knows Best: Asian Queer Short Films
CINEMQ reviews three new Asian short films at Shanghai Queer Film Festival that renegotiate filial relationships, and ask, 'What do pare

Pink Pill: Gay Conversion In Sichuan
Homophobic bullying turns into sexual violence in Pink Pill, a rare and authentic tale of teen angst in small-town Sichuan. Based on a true

Black Box Love
We all have secrets, but what would you do if you discovered something terrible about the person you love? Insomnia is a violently feverish

The Stone & Butch Blues
There are few works of literature in China to rival the mighty stature of Cao Xueqin's The Story of the Stone, an epic tale of family and...

Mama, Baba & Rupaul
We're three days into Year of the Dog, three days into being fed full with grandma's cooking as uncles and aunts ask us to spill the T...
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